Ultimate Canada Magazine – March 7, 2018
Each year at the Canadian Ultimate Championships, a junior all-star is selected from each team. Ultimate Canada would like to honour the all-stars from the junior open division and acknowledge the huge impact they had on their teams at CUC 2017 in Ottawa!
*All-stars listed alphabetically by team.
Alpha, British Columbia: #88 Devon Bringeland-Powell

Bonfire, British Columbia: #21 Oscar Obst

Cannons, Alberta: #26 Easton Fritz

Energy, Ontario: #26 Kyle Lam

High Tide, New Brunswick: #13 Ben Willemsen

Hydro, Québec: #3 Philippe Bisson

Ignite, Ontario: #17 Samuel Dupont-Gratton – Bronze Medal

Manitou, Manitoba: #67 Nick McFaddin

Mischief, British Columbia: #11 Andarsen Ng

Misfit, British Columbia: #9 Jason Lee

MOFO, Manitoba: #14 Keenan Ashley, Gold Medal – Finals MVP.

New Scotland Blues, Nova Scotia: #12 Oliver Porter

Storm, Newfoundland: #69 Jeremy Pike

Rogue Squadron, Ontario: #99 Mickinley Lorenzen

Rolling Thunder, British Columbia: #42 Ji Yoo

Scorch, Ontario: #35 Lawson Nadeau

Spitfire, Manitoba: #19 James Williams

Stud, Ontario: #41 Liam Powers

Titane, Québec: #17 Mohamed Chrouh

TORO, Ontario: #77 Barrett Wachholz – Silver Medal

Uproar, Ontario: #14 Brock West

Vortex, British Columbia: #24 Lucas Pangan

Wheaties, Saskatchewan: #12 Thomas Ganley

Wildfire, British Columbia: #11 Jack Newstead

Congratulations to all the players named as junior all-stars! Look out for these talented athletes as they head into CUC 2018 in both the junior and adult divisons.