Ultimate Canada Magazine – February 28, 2019
Black History Month takes place in Canada every February. Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present. You can find more information about the month here.

This profile features Lance Blackstock, who competes with Battleship in the mixed division and recently competed at WUCC 2018 in Cincinnati.
Ultimate Canada: How did you get started in Ultimate?
Lance Blackstock: I got started playing frisbee in high school. Played for my high school team for four years. My gym teacher got me into it, he also got me to play with his recreation team through the Ottawa Carleton Ultimate Association (OCUA) and that was when I just fell in love.
UC: How has your experience been, being a player of colour in the community?
LB: It’s pretty awesome to know that I represent a small group of players of my culture in my community and still make a huge impact. In terms of bringing my own style and energy and positive vibes to an already amazing community full of all different types of ethnicities and cultures. To be accepted for being just me and knowing I can just be myself and having a blast playing the sport I love with so many awesome people, is what makes me so happy.

UC: Do you have any thoughts on how we can increase participation from the Black community in Ultimate?
LB: I would think it should be on us, getting our friends and family out to see just how much fun the sport is and getting them in touch with OCUA to find out ways to start the sport, by either introduction clinics or pickup.
UC: Do you have anything else you would like to add?
LB: One, I’m just super thankful and grateful to be a part of a community that is so welcoming and always wanting to see the best for its players. Two, always continue to reach out to new players by being out in the community at more events and showing the sport, and continually asking your members in new ways to grow the sport and make OCUA the best frisbee organization in the world.